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WhatsApp – Cool and new features!


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WhatsApp has put out some updates that will make the service even better — and in some situations, bring it closer to other Instant Messaging apps like Facebook Messenger.

What is WhatsApp?

WhatsApp provides a way for people to communicate using the internet to exchange messages, photos, audio, and video.

Cool and New Features!

  • Among the new features include the option to respond to messages with emojis.
  • The capacity to transmit files up to 2GB in size, and the opportunity to have even larger group chats.
  • The number of persons who could participate in group chats is now 512.
  • The expanded file-sharing capacity of 2GB. WhatsApp has included a timer that will tell you how long it will take to upload and download files.
  • WhatsApp reactions seem to be fun and quick. A reaction can be sent by tapping and holding on to the message that you want to react to. A little pop-up window appears, offering you six different options: thumbs up, heart, cry laughing, astonished, crying, and hands-together/prayer (if applicable).
  • The company hopes to release more reactions in the future, though there is no set timetable for when this will occur. 

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