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Whatsapp new update lets you leave group cautiously


Recommended for Middle Grades

Whatsapp’s new update lets you leave the group cautiously

Whatsapp comes up with new updates every month. A few days ago, in its new update, Whatsapp has added the ability to react to messages across phone and web apps. The new update is all about Whatsapp groups.

Whatsapp group update

The new update of whatsapp revolves around the groups. As we all know that whenever we leave a Whatsapp group, all the users are notified about the same.

The new update will let you leave the groups without sending the notification to the other users. Only the group admin will be notified when a person leaves the group.

The other features that are evolved in the new update of Whatsapp:

  • Expansion of group size up to 512 members
  • Reactions to messages sent on group chats and personal chats as well
  • The group call size is increased to 32 members.
  • The feature of emoji reactions has been added to the Whatsapp web.

Aren’t these some exciting features? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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