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WhatsApp will let you react with any emoji!


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The messaging app WhatsApp has recently released new updates in which users can react to messages with any emoji of their choice. Though, there are few emojis.

‘React with emoji’ feature

WhatsApp is releasing a new update which will let users react to text messages with any emoji they want. Mark Zuckerberg shared the new update on Facebook.

The feature is called react with emoji feature is helpful in communications. The update will be rolled out to all versions including iOS and Android. Upon tapping the “+” symbol that appears next to the six main emojis from the available keyboard. It will be available upon the release of the new update.

The emoji tray will include a search bar letting the users can search for an emoji of their choice. The users can also adjust the skin tone of the emojis which were not available in the previous update.

New updates on WhatsApp

  • WhatsApp is said to be working on a new feature to let the user sync chat history between multiple devices. This feature is called companion mode.
  • In the new feature, WhatsApp will let you share voice messages on the status.
  • Another new feature will display past participants of group chat on the iOS platform. The group members will be able to see the participants who left the group using the ‘past participants’ feature. This feature will be available within the group info.
  • WhatsApp is working on a new feature called ‘kept messages’. This feature will enable the users to keep the disappearing messages even after their expiration. Though, these messages cannot be starred.
  • The messaging app will also let you hide your online status from your contacts. You can set the online settings with everyone on your contact list or maybe only to some people.

Ain’t these some interesting features for our messaging app? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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