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World Alzheimer’s Day – 21 September (watch a video)


Recommended for Middle Grades

Today we observe World Alzheimer’s Day. It is part of World Alzheimer’s Month which is observed throughout September.

We observe this day to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia. It also focuses on how they impact the daily lives of people affected by the condition.

What is dementia?

Dementia is a health condition in which there is a gradual loss in memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities. Dementia mainly affects older people but it is not a normal part of ageing.

What is Alzheimer's disease (AD)?

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. It is a brain disease which destroys brain cells. This causes memory loss, strange behaviour and loss of body functions.

AD usually starts slowly but gets worse with time. Alzheimer’s patient forgets the name of family members, friends and even where they live. There are no cures for AD or dementia. But early detection can help treat them better.

The theme of the year for World Alzheimer’s Day

The theme for World Alzheimer’s Month in 2020 is ‘Let’s talk about dementia‘.

AD affects about 6% of people aged 65 years and older globally. However, an average of 2 out of 3 people worldwide have little or no understanding of AD or dementia. So, World Alzheimer’s Month encourages us to talk more about it.

Here is a video of children speaking with an Alzheimer’s patient. Video credit: Cut/Youtube


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