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World Vegetarian Day - 1 October

World Vegetarian Day – 1 October


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Happy World Vegetarian Day!

This day aims to celebrate being vegetarian and to encourage more people to be vegetarian. It aims to educate the public on the moral, environmental, health, and humanitarian benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.

Who is a vegetarian?

A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat or meat products. This can be due to health, moral or religious reasons.

Studies have shown that a vegetarian diet is important for a healthy and fit body. It is generally good for the heart, immunity and more.

Vegetarian Awareness Month

World Vegetarian Day is also the start of Vegetarian Awareness Month. It ends on World Vegan Day (1 November).

World Vegetarian Day was started by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977.

For those new to vegetarianism, on this day, they can try having a day without eating meat and learn about its many benefits. For vegetarians, this day celebrates their food choices.


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