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Poem – I Want to Fly


I want to fly

The day we are born,
We faced criticism!
Criticism of being a girl?
Criticism which has no end!

We grew up, facing everyone around us!
Was growing up so necessary mom!
We didn’t want to grew anymore.

Those comments passed by boys,
My teacher touching my hands in inappropriate way!
And biggest challenge is we can’t share with anyone!
Is silence means growing up!
Where we are safe?
Is wasn’t either in your womb mom!
So how were you share that we will be safe outside world?

Those boys with real beard,
Were fake in real world!
They promised us and showed us the bright future,
But only they wanted was body pleasure.

I cried, I yelled,
But seems everyone is deaf and dump.
They were trying to abuse us for their pleasure,
Then I remember your words, mom
“you are not weak, remember that”
I just collected all my force,
The pain was just like when we bring new life to this world,
I kicked hard to that culprit,
I suffered pain, but I won.

Was abusing so necessary,
Why they forgot they were brought by a mother,
Why they forget there were nurtured by a sister!
Why it’s the story of every girl!
Living with fear,
Holding fake smile,
Setting the boundaries.
Again, after fighting, we faced those criticism?
Some blamed my clothing attire,
Some commented on my upbringing,
And others remarked on my character!

Enough of the criticism,
We also want to fly,
Fly so high,
That no men can abuse us
No one can criticize us,
And no man can control our freedom.

Chandarkant Goyal

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Chandarkant Goyal

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