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Image depicting Naughty Little Krishna

Samriddha’s Poem: A Playful Little Krishna

Image depicting Naughty Little Krishna

Sound of the melodious tune
playing on the flute,
the music
in a trance we would.

A handful of butter
scooped out
Maa was just talking
& he ran out.

Up the tree with elder brother
breaking pots of water,
down giggling with friends
disturbing the women who always muttered.

Playing with Radha
in the spare time
running away in the forest
when the weather is fine.

Having picnic among the woods
being naughty that he would
protecting the friends
wherever he could.

End of the evils
in the hands of him,
kills all the asura
on Janmashtami
comes back our little Krishna.

An Inspiring Young Poet

Samriddha Biswas, you are a true source of inspiration! Your poem, “Naughty Little Krishna,” not only showcases your creative talent but also reflects your deep understanding of Indian mythology.

Capturing Krishna’s Essence

In Samriddha’s verses, she has captured the mischievous spirit of Lord Krishna with finesse. Samriddha’s ability to bring this iconic character to life through their words is nothing short of remarkable.

Samriddha’s poem takes us on a delightful journey into Krishna’s playful world. Samriddha’s storytelling skills are exceptional, and her words have the power to transport readers into the heart of their narrative.

Samriddha’s Future Bright with Creativity

As you submit your work to Curious Times, remember that you are shaping the future of children’s literature. Your creativity and imagination have the potential to inspire young minds across the world.

Samriddha, keep nurturing your passion for poetry and storytelling. Your talent is a gift that will continue to flourish with time. Your poem is a testament to your dedication and artistry. As you continue to explore the realms of literature, know that there are no limits to what you can achieve. The world eagerly awaits more of your creative expressions. Keep writing, keep dreaming, and keep inspiring!

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ME – My Expressions at Curious Times is your place to get your work published, building your quality digital footprint. And it is a good way to share your talent and skills with your friends, family, school, teachers and the world. Thus, as you will step into higher educational institutes your published content will showcase your strength.

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