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The Importance of Girl Education

The place where ladies are worshipped, God lives there. This is sad to discuss that in a country like ours where women are believed to be equal as goddesses, we are talking about girl education. If the boy child is culture, then the girl child is civilization. When we take them both and put them together, then only society will be systematic.
If the girl child is not there, then the family would also be not there. The same girl child, if educated, would make a large contribution to improving and promoting society. Without civilization, the world cannot be imaginable. Women create a family, family creates a house, house creates society.
Many years ago, Swami Vivekananda said something on this topic that ‘Women are the significant thermometer of the progress of the nation.’ The education of the girl child improves the base of society. Our country is the country of Gargi and Apala where the girl child received the education and respect princes had. The girl child is not just a thing but she is an equivalent part of society as the boy child.
We just need to remember this thought. We need to awaken this thought.
Astitva Kulshresth

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