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Image depicting Dinosaur fossils at Tanis

Dinosaur fossils are discovered at Tanis


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there! We’ve got some super cool news to share with you. Guess what? Scientists have made an incredible discovery in Tanis, North Dakota. They’ve found dinosaur fossils that are perfectly preserved! Can you believe it?

Important Details

  • These dinosaurs lived a long, long time ago, about 66 million years ago. Do you know what happened back then? A gigantic asteroid, which is like a giant rock from outer space, crashed into the Earth.
  • This asteroid was as wide as 7.5 miles and as tall as Mount Everest! It hit a place called the Gulf of Mexico, and it caused a mass extinction event. That means a lot of living things, including the dinosaurs, were killed.
  • Now, let’s talk about the amazing dinosaur fossils that scientists found in Tanis. They discovered the leg bone of a dinosaur called Thescelosaurus. Thescelosaurus was a small dinosaur that lived during the late Cretaceous period in North America. It was one of the last dinosaurs on Earth before they all disappeared.
  • What’s fascinating is that the skin of this dinosaur is still scaly! Can you imagine seeing the skin of a dinosaur that lived so long ago? Scientists can tell that the skin is from that time because they found debris from the asteroid impact near the fossil.
  • Tanis, the place where these fossils were found, is a treasure trove of ancient life. Apart from the dinosaur fossils, scientists also found the remains of fish, turtles, and even a flying reptile called a pterosaur. They found something incredible too: the embryo of a pterosaur inside an egg! That means they discovered a dinosaur baby still inside its egg. Isn’t that amazing?
  • One more thing that scientists found is tiny glass particles in the gills of fish fossils. These glass particles were formed when the asteroid hit and caused a massive explosion. It’s like finding evidence of the powerful impact that changed the Earth so long ago.
  • We hope you found this information exciting, our little explorer! Isn’t it incredible what scientists can discover about our planet’s past? If you have any more questions or if there’s something else you’d like to learn, just let us know.

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Watch a video

You can watch the video of the Thescelosaurus dinosaurs:


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