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Dinosaur fossil from Antarctica is largest soft-shell egg ever found


Recommended for Middle Grades

Today, we’re going to dive into the fascinating world of dinosaur fossils. Did you know that researchers can learn a lot from these ancient remains? Let’s read about an interesting dinosaur fossil discovery together!

You see, many birds and reptiles, just like dinosaurs, lay eggs. These eggs can have different types of shells. Some have hard shells, like the eggs you see in a chicken’s nest, while others have soft, flexible shells, similar to those of turtle eggs.

Important Details

  • Recently, scientists made an incredible discovery. They found the first-ever dinosaur or reptile egg in Antarctica! Can you believe it? This egg is incredibly special because it’s the largest soft-shell egg ever found.
  • In fact, it’s the second-largest egg ever discovered from any known animal. Can you imagine an egg that’s about 11 by 7 inches in size? It’s quite impressive!
  • This extraordinary egg is estimated to be around 66 million years old. They believe it was laid by enormous marine reptiles called mosasaurs, which were about 20 feet long and roamed the waters of Antarctica during that time.
  • Interestingly, this dinosaur fossil was initially found back in 2011, but scientists weren’t sure what it was until recently. They connected this discovery to another study that revealed something exciting. You see, scientists used to think that dinosaurs always laid hard-shelled eggs. But this new study suggests that the very first dinosaur eggs were actually soft-shelled, just like the one found in Antarctica.
  • It seems that these eggs, discovered in places like Mongolia and Argentina, were likely buried in sand or soil while waiting to hatch. Unlike birds, the parent dinosaurs didn’t sit on the eggs to keep them warm. Instead, they followed a similar pattern to many reptiles today, where they lay their eggs and let them develop on their own.
  • It’s incredible to think about all the dinosaur eggs collected from around the world. They show us just how much we still have to learn about reptile evolution, especially among dinosaurs. Isn’t it amazing that these ancient fossils can teach us so much about the world that existed millions and millions of years ago?

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Watch a video

National Geographic drops an epic video featuring those jaw-dropping mosasaurs, making the ancient oceans jealous!

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