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Image depicting ISRO is planning a mission to Venus!

ISRO is planning a mission to Venus!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young space explorer! We’ve got some exciting news for you. ISRO, the Indian Space Research Organization, is planning a mission to Venus! That’s right, we’re going to send a spacecraft all the way to Venus to learn more about this mysterious planet.

Important Details

  • The ISRO Chairman has announced that the mission has been planned and the budget has been allocated. That means we’re ready to blast off! But we won’t be leaving until December 2024, so we’ve got some time to get everything just right.
  • One of the most important things about this mission is timing. We want to make sure that we launch when the earth and Venus are in just the right position. That way, we can use the least amount of fuel possible to put our spacecraft into orbit around Venus. After all, we don’t want to waste any fuel – that stuff is expensive!
  • So, what are we hoping to learn from this mission? Well, we want to make some unique observations of Venus that haven’t been done before. We don’t want to be doing things that other scientists have already done – that would be boring! Instead, we want to study active volcanoes, the movement of the atmosphere, and how the solar wind interacts with Venus’s atmosphere. Those are some pretty cool things to study, don’t you think?
  • But why study Venus in the first place? Well, Venus is the closest planet to Earth and it’s also the most similar in size. That means we can learn a lot about how planets form and evolve by studying Venus. Plus, Venus has some really weird things going on, like its super-thick atmosphere and its extreme temperatures. We want to learn more about those things so we can better understand our own planet and the universe around us.
  • So, get ready for blast-off in 2024! We’re going to Venus, baby!

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Watch a video

The Youtube channel “DeepLife” shares a video log as he visits an ISRO exhibition in Mumbai.

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