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Image depicting International Labour Organization

International Labour Organization (ILO) 2022 report


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International Labour Organisation (ILO) has issued the ninth edition of the ILO report. It was founded in 1919 under the league of nations.

What is International Labour Organization?

The International Labour Organization is UN agency whose motto is to advance social and economic justice through setting international labour standards.

ILO Report of “world for work”

According to the report issued by International Labour Organisation (ILO), there were significant gains during the last quarter of 2021. Later, the number of working hours dropped globally during the first quarter of 2022 to 3.8%. Moreover, the world lost almost 11.2 crore jobs in this period.  There is a gender gap in India’s employment scenes is also mentioned in the report.

A gender gap is a difference between people of different genders and it is reflected in a variety of sectors. According to the report by ILO, India and middle-income countries have experienced a fall in the gender gap in work hours in 2020. As the hours in which women worked have reduced, it has a weak influence on the countries.

Reasons for loss of jobs

There are many reasons for the loss of jobs globally:

  • Lockdown in China
  • Russia-Ukraine conflict
  • Global rise in the prices of fuel and food

The International Labour Organization has requested their member countries to address the problem humanely. Further deterioration is expected in the hours worked in 2022, and it can put a big impact on the global markets.

Measures proposed by ILO

The report by ILO has proposed some measures to overcome the gender gap that is prevailing in the world of work.

  • Improved capacity of workers
  • Providing decent jobs and decent wages.

India’s situation

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, women’s employment in India has come down in various sectors.  Approximately, five crore people have lost their jobs due to the pandemic in India. And they haven’t joined any job as of now. Governments should work for the same in order to give rise to India’s economy.

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