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Image depicting Neeraj Chopra

Neeraj chopra wins first gold medal at Kuortane games


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little champ! Let us tell you a cool story about a super athlete named Neeraj Chopra. He’s like a superhero but in real life! Imagine a big field in a faraway land called Finland. In that field, there was a special event called the Kuortane Games in the year 2022. And guess what? Our hero Neeraj Chopra was there!

Okay, so in these games, there’s a cool sport called Javelin Throw. It’s like throwing a super long stick really, really far. Neeraj stood on the field, held the javelin, and whoosh! He threw it super far – 86.69 meters! That’s like throwing a toy airplane super, super high.

Guess what? Nobody else could throw the javelin as far as Neeraj did. Even though his second and third throws were like trying to hit a piñata with a blindfold on (they went the wrong way), his first throw was enough to win!

Javelin’s Superhero Journey

  • Neeraj Chopra didn’t stop there. He went to another place called Turku, still in Finland, to play more games. He threw the javelin really far again – 89.30 meters! Imagine throwing a ball from one end of a football field to the other. He didn’t win that game, but he came in second, which is also super awesome.
  • Here’s the thing, buddy. Neeraj is a shining example of hard work and never giving up. He practiced and practiced, and he didn’t let mistakes stop him. Even when his throws didn’t go where he wanted, he kept going. And guess what? He even broke his own national record! That’s like beating your own high score in a video game.
  • Now, picture this: Neeraj is like a superhero with a javelin instead of a cape. He’s strong, brave, and he can make a stick fly really, really far! But even superheroes have days when they don’t get everything right. Neeraj had those moments too, but he didn’t let that stop him. He kept believing in himself and gave it his best shot.
  • And you know what’s even cooler? Neeraj’s awesome throws made people clap, cheer, and feel so proud of him. He showed that with practice and determination, we can achieve amazing things.
  • So, the next time you’re trying something new or facing a challenge, remember Neeraj Chopra and his flying javelin. If he can keep trying and win gold, you can do anything you set your mind to as well!
  • Now, isn’t that a fantastic story, little buddy? Keep shining bright like Neeraj’s gold medal!

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