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Image depicting NASA's Perseverance Mars rover

NASA’s Perseverance rover searches life on Mars

Recommended for Middle Grades

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover is digging on Mars to find running water and signs of life on Mars.

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover

The Perseverance Mars rover is equipped with 23 cameras and a variety of instruments including an X-ray spectrometer, radar system and SuperCam instrument. The rover carries two microphones which allow the rover to record the sound of Mars.

Working on NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover

  • The perseverance is currently exploring the river delta inside Jezero Crater. It has collected its ninth rock sample from the red planet. Through this sample, scientists will research past life on Mars.
  • The Perseverance rover is exploring the 28-mile-wide  Jezero Crater for over one year. It is in search of signs of life on Mars. Scientists believe that this crater was home to a lake and river delta. They still believe that if life existed on Mars, this delta may have evidence of molecular fossils that must be left by ancient organisms.
  • Scientists believe that life existed, and the Jezero crater is the best place to look for it. Maybe, the finely layered mud may have buried and preserved a record of the ancient organisms.

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