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Deforestation on a rise in Amazon rainforests


Recommended for Deforestation

Hey there! You won’t believe what’s happening in the Amazon rainforest! Brace yourself for some shocking news!

The Brazilian Amazon rainforest is one of the largest tropical rainforests in the world, and it’s home to many different species of animals and plants. However, according to a recent report by Mapbiomas, deforestation in the region has increased by more than 20% in 2021.

This means that people are cutting down trees at an alarming rate, and it’s causing irreparable damage to the environment.

Important Details

  • Deforestation is when people cut down trees on purpose. This might be to make space for farming, ranching, or logging. Unfortunately, this is a big problem in the Amazon rainforest. The report by Mapbiomas says that Brazil lost 42,000 square kilometres of trees in the last three years, which is a lot! In fact, the Amazon rainforest is facing deforestation at a rate of 18 trees per second!
  • Can you imagine that? Every second, 18 trees are being cut down in the Amazon rainforest. That’s crazy! And it’s not just a small problem – deforestation in the country increased by more than 20%, as per a satellite data-based report that was released on Monday.
  • To put it in perspective, the report by Mapbiomas said that the country lost 16,557 square kilometres of vegetation in 2021 alone. That’s an area bigger than Northern Ireland! And that’s not all. Data from the National Institute of Space Research shows that the Brazilian Amazon lost 3,988 square kilometres to deforestation between January and June 2022. That’s a huge area!
  • The government statistics state that the average annual deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has increased by 75% during Bolsonaro’s presidency. He’s accused of encouraging deforestation for the economic gain of weakening research. This means that the situation is getting worse, and it’s not likely to improve anytime soon unless something is done to stop it.
  • So, what can we do to help? Well, we can spread awareness about the problem and encourage people to take action to protect the Amazon rainforest. We can also support organizations that are working to protect the rainforest and its wildlife.
  • Remember, every little bit helps! Let’s do our part to save the Amazon rainforest!

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