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Image depicting Tania Sen Techno India Group

Tania Sen – Techno India Group, Kolkata: Reimagining Future

Ms. Tania Sen, Principal, Techno India Group School, Kolkata joins Curious Times to celebrate Teachers Day and shares her views on Teachers: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining Future! She is an eminent Leader and Educationist and has been inspiring students and future generation of teachers.

Curious Times, the leading school newspaper and children’s website is pleased to bring perspectives of Senior Educationists and teachers to our readers on Teachers Day 2022. Over the past 3 years a lot has changed in the education sector, teaching methods, curricula, use of technology, introduction of NEP 2020, emphasis on mental wellbeing of children and how schools shape careers of next the generation. We believe that the energy and enthusiasm of the leaders to adapt to these changes will help not just leading through the crisis of learning gaps but also reimagining the future of education.

Here is our conversation with Ms. Tania Sen, Principal, Techno India Group School, Kolkata:

Curious Times: Technology has brought about a shift in the teaching and learning ecosystem. As you reimagine future, what, in your opinion, would be the role of technology and what would be the role of teachers?

Tania Sen: The new age learning has already begun with use of digital tools to impart education, so technology is enabling teachers to plan and execute effectively, adopt a hybrid platform, students can navigate through reliable resources to enjoy diverse ways of learning.
Teachers have to be continuously trained in the digital tools, apply their knowledge to make effective pedagogical plans to integrate and facilitate the knowhow on and off the classrooms. Also keep in mind that nothing can substitute the human connect to reach out to all children, ones with special needs and other learning challenges. A field trip to an organic farm is going to bring more learning experiences, observations and deductions than watching it over virtual mode.

Curious Times: NEP 2020 puts a lot of emphasis on skilling and co-curricular activities. How will this have a positive impact on learning outcomes in the future?

Tania Sen: Co-curricular activities have always been a boon for a learner, its a proven fact that children who have explored myriad opportunities, participated in multiple tasks and events, have better life skills and ability to think out of the box to handle adversities. CCA empowers learners to gain insights and competency in areas of their interest and make informed choices.

Curious Times: What role can schools play in making students reach their potential careers?

Tania Sen: A vibrant counseling laboratory in school with involvement of all students, teachers and parents is the next big goal. The innumerable opportunities lying ahead for the 21st century learners is to be tapped. Organizing career fairs, talks by subject specialists, alumni involvement will lead to learners opting for uncharted career roles yet promising ones.

Curious Times: The pressures in the 21st century are different from earlier times. What will be the role of schools and teachers in mental wellbeing of students going forward?

Tania Sen: Counseling is a regular process, with parents becoming increasingly busy, learner being subjected to pressure of learning too many skills or crafts, peer competition, it’s natural that they often succumb to the pressure. So, the channels of communication should be always open, timely intervention, frequent interaction with parents, help groups of student council and trained teachers in psychological wellness is a must. Regular interactive programs for students and parents through music, dance, sports, dramatics and other CCA will lessen the anxiety. A fear free school environment is imperative for learners to flourish.

Curious Times: As you reimagine the future, how can schools become inclusive and accommodate students from all ethnicities or with different abilities?

Tania Sen: Schools have to be open to embracing children with different abilities, build opportunities of universal equality, teach children to respect everyone irrespective of their challenges, make necessary academic/infrastructural changes for accommodating them. Ensure that children are made to feel a part of the school eco-system, not sympathize but empower them.

Curious Times: Schools prepare children for higher education. Should competitive exams have a different curriculum than schools?
Coaching classes and ed-tech companies have been supplementing the school education. What do you think should be their role?

Tania Sen: I think it’s high time the school curriculum is considered as a benchmark for admissions to all professional and higher education courses, a 360-degree assessment and not a mere 120-minute pen and paper test should adjudge the talent and potential of the students and we need to equip students with the skills and expertise to develop their own ideas, innovate and knowledge to create and co-create. Dependency on any external support doesn’t help in the long run. As Albert Einstein said, “I don’t need to know everything, I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.” We are humans, so let us accept failures and imperfections, let us instill spirit of research, endeavour, experimentation and not lure learners into a world where they bury their passions and half-heartedly pursue a path which stifles their dreams.

We will surely create an educational revolution if learning happens, and assessment techniques are learner centric.

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