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Image depicting VN Chakravathy, Pragathi Central School

VN Chakravarthy, Pragathi Central School: Reimagining Future

VN Chakravarthy, Pragathi Central School, Hyderabad, joins Curious Times to celebrate Teachers Day and shares her views on Teachers: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining Future! She is an eminent Leader and Educationist and has been inspiring students and future generation of teachers.

With decades of experience, she has been instrumental in shaping the Pragathi International School and establishing its culture, ethos and direction.

She not just inspires her faculty and staff, she has been a great source of support and confidence to students, making them achieve their full potential by taking parents on board with the school’s vision.

Watch her video interview with our Director Ms. Deepti Beri.

Here is our conversation with Ms. VN Chakravarthy, Pragathi Central School:

Curious Times, the leading school newspaper and children’s website is pleased to bring perspective of Ms. VN Chakravarthy on Teachers Day 2022.

Over the past 3 years a lot has changed in the education sector, teaching methods, curricula, use of technology, introduction of NEP 2020, emphasis on mental wellbeing of children and how schools shape careers of next the generation and the role of coaching classes, if at all, in learning outcomes.

We, at Curious Times, believe that the energy and enthusiasm of the leaders to adapt to these changes will help not just leading through the crisis of learning gaps but also reimagining the future of education.

Here are the topics we talked about with Ms. VN Chakravarthy:
What is the role of technology and the role of teachers, as she reimagines education?
How will NEP make the learning outcomes better for our young learners and prepare them for life?
How can schools help children reach their potential careers?
How can inclusive campuses help our children and the societies?
How can teachers and school play a role in social-emotional health of children?
Do coaching classes work as a good supplement to improve the learning outcomes of children?

Ms. VN Chakravarthy brings energy, understanding and also her unique insights to this conversation. We are sure that you will enjoy watching the interview, as much as we did and liked having a candid conversation with her.

Ms. VN Chakravarthy credits her faculty and team and also the vision of her management.

Many thanks Ms. VN Chakravarthy for your insights and a Happy Teachers Day to the members of Pragathi Central School.

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