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Image depicting Emirates trains its cabin crew using Metaverse!

Emirates trains its cabin crew using Metaverse!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Emirates uses metaverse for the purpose of teaching cabin staff. The airline has more than 15,000 flight attendants. But there are plans to increase that number by 4,000 in the coming year.

The metaverse plays an important part in the training of both newly hired cabin crew members and existing crew members.

Key facts!

  • Emirates officials believe that some of the airline’s in-person training sessions could be moved into the metaverse to reduce stress. 
  • It will utilise the metaverse to replicate walking into the aeroplane and to examine every aspect of the aeroplane.
  • Metaverse also enables more effective and precise training methods to be carried out via simulated real-life events.
  • In addition, the authorities feel that metaverse allows to provide training in a manner that is both efficient and precise.
  • Trainees will still need to do practical, hands-on training at the airline’s state-of-the-art aviation training college.
  • This includes simulations of aircraft evacuation, medical emergencies and others.

A day in the life of Emirates cabin crew is presented in this video uploaded to YouTube by “Sense the Lense.”

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