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Image depicting COP27 - India's plan to reduce emissions!

COP27 – India’s plan to reduce emissions!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hiya, cognitive explorer! Let’s dive into a super cool story about India and its big plan to help our planet! So, there’s this thing called “low emissions,” which means making less pollution that’s bad for the Earth. India, a country with lots of people and amazing places, decided they want to be superheroes and use less stuff that hurts the planet.

They told everyone about this on a special day, November 14, 2022, when they went to a meeting called UN COP27 in a place called Egypt.

Okay, so UN COP27 is like a giant gathering where people from around the world talk about how to take care of the Earth and stop it from getting too hot. It’s like when your family sits down to make a plan for a fun picnic.

India joined this meeting and said, “Hey, we’re going to be super nice to the Earth! We’ll use less bad stuff and help it stay healthy.” India was the newest kid on the block to make this special promise.

India’s Carbon Commitment

  • Now, let’s get into some important stuff. India wants to make changes to be a cleaner and better place. They want to use things like nuclear power (which is like super-strong energy) and make fuel from plants (called biofuel) that won’t harm the Earth.
  • They also want to mix this special fuel called ethanol with gasoline to make cars go vroom-vroom without making too much pollution. India’s Environment Minister said all these changes are like pieces of a puzzle that will help India be friends with the Earth for the next 50 years.
  • India wants to do some other cool things too! They want to make more of this stuff called “green hydrogen” (it’s not really green, don’t worry) and have it everywhere. Plus, they’re going to use cars that run on electricity instead of gas.
  • Can you imagine cars that don’t make any noise when they zoom around? Cool, right? They also want to use energy better and recycle things more, like how you sort your toys into different boxes.
  • You know, it’s like when you see someone planting a tiny seed and then after a long time, it grows into a big tree. India’s plan is kind of like that. They’re planting little ideas and making small changes now, so in the future, the whole country can be super green and clean. They want to be as kind to the Earth as you are to your teddy bear!
  • So, what’s the ending to this awesome story? Well, India’s got a big dream. They want to be carbon neutral by the year 2070. That means they won’t make any more pollution than they can clean up. It’s like they want to make a deal with the Earth: “We’ll be nice to you, and you’ll stay healthy for us and the animals.”
  • Experts thought India’s plan was really smart and could help make cities better and industry (that’s like grown-up work) greener. But, they said there’s still more work to do to make it perfect.
  • And there you have it, a  heartwarming story about India’s superhero plan to make the Earth happier and healthier. Just like you try to eat your veggies and be kind to your friends, India is trying to be a friend to the Earth.
  • And guess what? You can be a little Earth superhero too! Remember to turn off lights when you don’t need them, use less plastic, and help plant trees. We’re all in this together to make our planet smile!

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