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Image depicting Chinese iPhone workers protest!

Chinese iPhone workers protest!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

At the largest iPhone factory in the world, there are protests going on. In a city in central China, a protest has been centred on a place where Apple gets parts.

Protests are going on at Apple supplier Foxconn, where workers are getting into fights with police over late payments and bad working conditions.

Residents of Zhengzhou call it “iPhone city.” 

Key facts!

  • News reports say that workers’ chat groups were full of movies that were being passed around.
  • Social media videos showed a lot of chaos at the Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou, where most of the world’s newest iPhones are made.
  • When the workers at the world’s biggest factory found out that their expected bonuses would be delayed, they started to protest.
  • The tents that had been set up in the parking lot of the building were taken down.
  • The police officers tried to keep control of the workers who were protesting as the glass doors to the building were broken.
  • Foxconn has said that the violence happened because some of the newly hired workers were upset about their pay.
  • The company said that it always meets the terms of its contracts and promised to keep lines of communication open.
  • This is with its employees and the government so that the problem doesn’t happen again.
  • There are rumours that Apple is looking into ways to protect itself from such kind of problems.
  • As per business experts, it seems Apple may make plans to increase production in places besides China.

Check out how smartphones are made in a factory.

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