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Image depicting COVID-19 - New variant, exercise caution!

COVID-19 – New variant, exercise caution!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Union Health Minister has requested the States to stay alert during the holiday season. This request comes in when additional cases of the COVID virus were reported in some parts of the world.

According to experts, the virus continues to evolve and pose a threat to the health of the world population. India has been reporting an average of hundred new cases each and every day.

In light of forthcoming festivities and New Year’s celebrations, the states need to focus on ensuring effective awareness within the community, In addition, citizens need to take ownership and adhere to Covid-appropriate behaviour.

This includes the use of masks, hand hygiene, and respiratory hygiene practices. Furthermore the practice of maintaining physical distancing.

Key facts!

  • The BF.7 strain of the Omicron variation of coronavirus is mostly to blame for the increasing number of Covid cases in China.
  • This strain of coronavirus has also been found in India.
  • Even if the numbers are low, the government is concerned, and one should exercise caution.
  • Upper respiratory infection is the most common complication of BF.7, which manifests as congestion in the upper regions of the chest and close to the throat.
  • Additional typical symptoms include a fever, a sore throat, a runny nose, and coughing.
  • Also, it is directed toward vulnerable populations such as elderly people, and frontline workers.
  • Health authorities also requested states to increase the coverage of precautionary doses for the COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Random testing of international passengers arriving at airports will continue.
  • The Health Ministry has instructed officials to tighten the ongoing surveillance measures, particularly at international airports.
  • For the administration of COVID-19, health authorities would continue to use the method of “Test-Track-Treat-Vaccination” and adherence to COVID-appropriate conduct.
  • Health officials will also conduct COVID-19-specific facility audits in order to verify the readiness of hospital equipment.
  • This would be done to make sure hospitals are equipped with oxygen cylinders, ventilators, and medical staff.

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