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Image depicting Ancient bone reveals 320,000-year-old fashions!

Ancient bone reveals 320,000-year-old fashions!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, our curious friend! Let’s dive into an exciting archaeological discovery. Experts recently analyzed ancient bones found in Germany and uncovered some fascinating secrets about our ancestors and their survival skills.

Brace yourself for a journey back in time!

Important Details

  • So, picture this: at least three million years ago, our ancient relatives were busy hunting bears, but not for a tasty meal. Nope, they were after those bear hides! These clever beings knew that bear skins could help them brave the harsh winters of that era. Can you imagine strutting around in a bear skin jacket to stay cozy?
  • A team of researchers has been debating the use of bears, especially cave bears, for over a century. But now, thanks to these bones, the mystery is unraveling. And guess what? Those brown bears we know today are actually the same species as the cave bears from back then. It’s like having a family reunion with our furry friends from the past!
  • Here are some key facts to blow your mind. In the 1990s, archaeologists hit the jackpot in Germany when they discovered a treasure trove of ancient artifacts. Among these finds were spears, over three million years old, and the oldest fully wooden weapons ever discovered. Talk about ancient weaponry!
  • But it doesn’t stop there. They also stumbled upon tools made of stone and bone, along with the bones of many animals, including those majestic cave bears. After careful examination by experts, they noticed something peculiar—some of these bones had cut marks. And that was the smoking gun! These cut marks showed that our ancient ancestors used tools to skillfully scoop out the bones.
  • But what was the purpose of all this scooping and cutting? Well, it turns out they were expert skinners! The precise cuts on the bear paw bones revealed that ancient humans were adept at removing the skin. By skinning bears, our resourceful predecessors not only acquired their silky fur but also gained better protection against the chilly weather.
  • You see, bears have these incredible thick coats that keep them warm all year round. And during winter, they grow an even softer undercoat for extra warmth. So, by using bear skins, the people of northern Europe around 300,000 years ago were able to brave the freezing temperatures and survive winter like champs!
  • These fascinating findings shed light on how our ancient ancestors adapted and thrived in their environment. Imagine how stylish they must have looked, strutting around in bear fur garments. Fashion-forward even back then, huh?
  • So, our inquisitive friend, we’ve traveled back in time and discovered that ancient humans were quite the bear skinning experts. They recognized the value of bear hides for staying warm in chilly winters. Who knows what other fascinating secrets are waiting to be unearthed by intrepid archaeologists? Keep your curious spirit alive, and who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll uncover your own ancient treasures!

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