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Image depicting Bihar women bootleggers prosper!

Bihar women bootleggers prosper!


Recommended for Middle Grades

More and more women in Bihar are getting into the business of selling illegal alcohol. Since April 2016, it has been against the law in Bihar to sell or make alcohol. 

What is bootlegging?

Unauthorized production, distribution, or sale of items like alcohol is known as bootlegging.

News stories claim that more than 15,000 women have been taken into custody. The arrests happened in more than 35 areas where it is against the law to drink.

This includes things like smuggling drugs and drinking alcohol without permission. Officials think that the number of women who sell illegal alcohol keeps going up every year.

Key facts!

  • “At first, the figure was fewer than 100 a year, but now it has touched more than 1,000,” a senior official of the excise department claims.
  • In addition, there is no one type of woman that engages in the activity of smuggling alcohol.
  • Those who have been apprehended include two women in their middle years who pretended to be religious followers and an MBBS student in her third year.
  • On the other hand, the government has prohibited the selling, supplying, storing, and use of alcoholic beverages in the state.
  • They felt that this would reduce the number of cases of domestic violence.
  • Furthermore, the money that would have been spent on alcohol might then be used towards family expenses or savings.
  • In 2022, the government of Bihar also made an announcement that factories will be built to create glass bangles out of bottles of seized alcoholic beverages.
  • However, women who sell alcohol illegally have particular advantages.
  • This is because the illegal business pays them more than their male counterparts.
  • Despite the fact that the majority of their employers are men.
  • To begin, they have a lower probability of being caught, and as a result, there is a higher demand for them.
  • Officials also state that women typically deal in lower quantities and transport the bottles in somewhat unique ways.
  • Depending on their age and profile, women either conceal the bottles on their person or transport them in bags, where they are either hidden in atta or rice.

Related Articles!

This short video explains where bootlegging came from and what it was like to be a bootlegger in the past.

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