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Image depicting Hinduism and Georgia United Against Hate!

Hinduism and Georgia United Against Hate!

Recommended for Middle Grades

The Georgia Assembly in the United States has passed a law condemning Hinduphobia. It is a term used for hatred or fear of Hindus and Hinduism.

By passing a rule that says it’s wrong to be mean to people who are Hindu, Georgia did something very special. They are the first state to pass this rule!

The people who helped make it happen were part of a group called the Coalition of Hindus of North America.

They also had a special day to celebrate this occasion.  Around 25 important people who make rules attended the event. They spoke to Hindu people to learn about their worries. Further, they promised to make sure Hindu people are treated fairly and to listen to what they have to say when they make decisions that affect them.

Important Details

  • First, the resolution was introduced by government representatives from Forsyth County in the suburbs of Atlanta.
    • There are a lot of Hindu and Indian-American people in Atlanta.
  • Second, the resolution condemns anti-Hindu bigotry.
  • In addition, the rule says that Hinduism is a really big and old religion with lots of people all over the world who follow it.
  • Further, it says that Hindu people have done important things in fields like medicine, science, and technology.
  • For instance medicine, science, engineering, and information technology, among others.
  • Third, sadly, some people have been mean to Hindu people and this rule wants to stop that.
  • It also says that some people in schools say bad things about Hinduism and that’s not okay.

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