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Image depicting Robots Are Learning Our Jobs!

Robots Are Learning Our Jobs!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, have you heard about AI? It’s short for Artificial Intelligence, and it’s getting smarter every day. But did you know that some people are worried that AI might start taking over human jobs?

That’s right, some big companies like IBM are already freezing hiring and planning to replace thousands of jobs with AI in the next few years.

Imagine a robot taking over your teacher’s job, or a computer replacing your favorite chef. It might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it’s becoming a reality. And it’s not just happening in one place, it’s happening all over the world.

AI Revolution: Jobs at Risk!

  • IBM, a company that makes computers, is one of the companies leading the charge. They’re planning to replace 7,800 jobs with AI over the next five years. That’s a lot of jobs! But why are they doing it?
  • Well, they think that AI can do some jobs faster and better than humans can. For example, a robot can help make cars faster and more efficiently than a person can.
  • But don’t worry, not all jobs can be replaced by AI. Some jobs require human skills like creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. So while robots might be good at some tasks, they can never replace the unique qualities that make us human.
  • In the end, it’s important to remember that while AI can be helpful, it’s not perfect. It’s up to us to use it responsibly and make sure that it doesn’t take over jobs that are better suited for humans.

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