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Image depicting Indian hockey team gets mental training expert!

Indian hockey team gets mental training expert!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! We’ve got some exciting news for you. The Indian hockey team has hired a mental trainer named Paddy Upton for the Men’s Asian Champions Trophy.

What does that mean? Well, Paddy Upton is an expert in helping athletes with their minds and feelings. It’s like he’s their brain coach!

Mental Mastery: Hockey’s Brain Coach!

  • Paddy Upton was actually part of the staff that helped the Indian cricket team win the World Cup in 2011. That’s a big deal! Now, he’s here to boost the hockey players before the Asian Champions Trophy and the Asian Games. These are super important games that the players want to win!
  • You know what’s interesting? The hockey team thought it would be great to have someone who knows all about the mental side of sports. So, they hired Paddy Upton to help the players get stronger in their minds. It’s like having a secret weapon for their brains!
  • Paddy Upton is going to have three special sessions with the hockey players starting from July 1. He’s going to teach them how to be mentally strong and how to use their minds in the best way possible. It’s like having a mental gym just for the hockey team!
  • Paddy Upton has worked with lots of other teams before. He’s helped cricket teams, hockey teams, and even a rugby team from England! He’s a pro when it comes to sports psychology and leadership coaching.
  • The Indian hockey team is really excited to have Paddy Upton on board. They believe that he can make a big difference in their performance. They want to be super prepared for the Asian Games because that’s where they can qualify for the Olympics. They know that managing pressure and expectations is really important, and that’s why they brought in Paddy Upton.
  • So, my little friend, the Indian hockey team is getting some brain power! Paddy Upton is here to help them be mentally tough and ready to win. It’s going to be exciting to see how the team performs with their new brain coach. Maybe we’ll see them doing some funny mind tricks on the field!

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