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Image depicting Paan Hazards: Protecting Young Eyes

Paan Hazards: Protecting Young Eyes


Recommended for Health

Delving into the heart of Indian traditions, the ritual of consuming paan stands out as a cherished cultural practice, offering a unique blend of taste, tradition, and social interaction. However, this beloved tradition faces a shadow of concern due to recent unsettling discoveries in Hyderabad and Bengaluru.

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Unveiling the Hidden Dangers of Paan

Central to the cultural experience of paan is the ingredient slaked lime, or chuna, known for adding a piquant flavor. Yet, this critical component harbors a hidden danger. When inadequately secured, chuna can lead to severe chemical burns, especially harmful to the eyes.

The cornea, a vital element for vision, is particularly vulnerable, with children being the most frequent victims.

These accidents often result in enduring pain and potential long-term visual impairment, casting a dark cloud over the joyous tradition of paan consumption.

The Broader Spectrum of Chemical Hazards

The issue transcends the confines of paan consumption, spilling into everyday life through common items like cleaning agents and fireworks. The statistics reveal a disturbing trend: a higher incidence of eye injuries among boys, suggesting a gender-specific pattern and highlighting the urgent need for focused educational campaigns on chemical safety.

Strategies for Enhancing Safety

The call to action is clear and urgent. Ensuring the secure packaging of chuna is just the starting point. There is a broader imperative to foster a safety-first culture, underscored by the promotion of protective eyewear and proactive educational initiatives.

Equally important is the establishment of clear, accessible emergency response protocols for eye exposures, empowering individuals with the knowledge to act swiftly and effectively.


The narrative surrounding paan is not merely one of tradition and enjoyment but also of responsibility and precaution. Integrating safety measures into the fabric of cultural practices like paan consumption is vital.

By doing so, we can honor our traditions while safeguarding the health and well-being of our communities, ensuring that the legacy of paan remains unmarred by preventable tragedies.

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