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Image depicting Taj Mahal and Yamuna embrace!

Taj Mahal and Yamuna embrace!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Taj Mahal stands tall and proud, made of gleaming white marble. But something unusual happened that made everyone worried. A river called the Yamuna, which ran through the state, rose so high that it reached the walls of the Taj Mahal!

You see, it had been raining heavily in northern India, and the river grew bigger and bigger. The water level rose to 152 meters, even higher than the warning level. The last time this happened was 45 years ago when disco music was all the rage!

The Central Water Commission of India stated that the river had reached its highest level in 1978, touching a whopping 154.76 meters. But don’t worry, the Taj Mahal is still safe and sound, like a superhero protecting a city. Only the red sandstone walls surrounding it were covered in muddy water and bits of garbage.

Rising Waters: Taj Mahal’s Resilience

  • The Archaeological Survey of India, who takes care of the Taj Mahal, said there was nothing to be too worried about for now. They assured that as long as the rain didn’t keep pouring or the river stayed high for too long, everything would be fine. But other monuments nearby, like the “baby Taj” and a beautiful garden called Mehtab Bagh, were not as lucky. They were submerged underwater, like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.
  • Despite the rising water, brave tourists from all around the world still came to see the Taj Mahal. They marveled at its beauty and took pictures, not minding the watery adventure. One tourist, Mathew from Switzerland, said it was crazy to see the water rise so much, but he couldn’t resist the allure of the Taj Mahal.
  • However, the local residents are a bit worried. They are concerned that the river might flood their homes. To protect their belongings, they placed them on higher grounds and stayed alert, just like brave warriors guarding their castles.
  • So, my little friend, although the situation may seem challenging, it’s important to remember that sometimes nature surprises us. The Taj Mahal will continue to stand tall, enchanting visitors from all over the world. And if the river gets too mischievous, the brave people of Uttar Pradesh will be ready to protect their homes.
  • Let’s hope the river goes back to its peaceful ways soon, and the Taj Mahal can enjoy some sunny days once again.

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