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Image depicting Neeraj Leads: Children Celebrate!

Neeraj Leads: Children Celebrate!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hi, curious one! We’ve got an exciting story to tell you about a super cool athlete named Neeraj Chopra and his team from India! They’re getting ready to compete in a big sports event called the World Athletics Championships. It’s like a big race and games for the best athletes from all around the world.

This event is a really big deal because people from all over the world come together to run, jump, and throw things. Neeraj Chopra is really special because he’s the Olympic champion in throwing the javelin. That means he’s the best in the whole world at throwing that stick really far.

Last time, in 2022, he got a shiny silver medal in this competition, and this time, he’s aiming for a gold one. He’s like a sports superstar who represents India on the global stage.

Now, let’s dive into the main story!

Javelin Jedi’s Journey!

  • Meet Neeraj Chopra, he’s like a superhero with a javelin! Javelin is a long stick that he throws really, really far. He’s famous because he won a big competition called the Olympics before. Now, he’s getting ready to lead a team of 28 Indian athletes to another exciting event called the World Athletics Championships.
  • This event is happening in a place called Budapest, which is in Hungary. The event starts on August 19, and everyone is getting super excited!
  • Guess what? Usually, the people who take care of sports in India, called the Athletics Federation of India, announce the team for such events. But this time, it was a surprise! The Sports Ministry told everyone about the team instead. The team is full of awesome athletes, and guess what? Many of them are already in Hungary! They went there early to get used to the weather and feel comfortable.
  • You know what’s cool? This story teaches us that hard work and training can make you a champion. Neeraj Chopra had a little muscle problem while training, but he didn’t give up. He kept practicing, and now he’s going to compete again. We also learn that sometimes, athletes have to make tough choices.
  • Some athletes like Tajinderpal Singh Toor and Tejaswin Shankar decided not to join this event. They’re focusing on another competition called the Asian Games, which is happening later.
  • Can you believe it? One athlete throws a stick really far, and another one jumps super high! They’re like superheroes, right? But guess what, even superheroes can get hurt sometimes. Tajinder had a pain in his tummy (groin), so he couldn’t play this time. And Priyanka was trying to walk really fast, but it wasn’t easy for her. She went to a place called the World University Games, and she walked like a champ, even though she didn’t win.
  • You know, there’s a jumper named Murali Sreeshankar, and he’s the newest medallist in a special club called the Diamond League. No, it’s not about real diamonds, silly! It’s about being super good at jumping. And guess what? There are runners who are training in a place called St Moritz. It sounds like a place with snow cones, but it’s really high up in the mountains. They’re working hard so they can run really fast!
  • So, there’s a long jumper named Shaili Singh. She’s going to Budapest, too! And two more athletes, D P Manu and Kishore Kumar Jena, will join the team later. One athlete named Rohit Yadav was supposed to be there, but he had to fix his elbow. And guess what? A country can send three athletes for each event. That’s like having three superheroes in one game!
  • Isn’t this story so much fun? We learned that athletes work really hard, even when they face challenges. They practice and train to become the best.
  • Neeraj Chopra and his team are like a team of superheroes, and they’re going to compete in Hungary. So, remember, even when things are tough, if you keep trying, you can do amazing things, just like these athletes!

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