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Image depicting Maui Needs Our Prayers!

Maui Needs Our Prayers!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Alright curious ones, gather ’round, because we’re diving deep into a super important, yet kinda sad story. Ever heard of wildfires? They’re like when your campfire marshmallow goes up in flames, but way, WAY bigger. In this tale, we’re headed to the beautiful island of Maui in Hawaii, where they faced the biggest, meanest fire they’ve ever seen.

Fires have been a part of our world for a long time. Sometimes they’re little, and sometimes they’re… well, not so little. In fact, just a few years ago in 2018, California had a super big fire called the Camp Fire, but Maui’s recent one was even bigger! And if we turn the time machine waaay back to 1918, Minnesota had a really bad one too.

Maui’s Fiery Tragedy

  • Okay, so the big bummer news is that 89 people didn’t make it out of this Maui fire. That’s a lot, and it’s super sad. Maui had other little fires too, but the big one was the really scary one. People tried to save their homes, and some even had to ride bikes or motorcycles to get away! Some couldn’t and had to rely on luck and kindness to survive.
  • Imagine living in a beautiful tropical paradise and then, poof! Ashes everywhere. The governor said it was the worst thing Hawaii had ever faced. Even with sirens and phone alerts, the fire moved too fast for many.
  • When nature gets mad, it can really throw a tantrum. Maybe it was mad because of the super dry summer or the strong winds from a nearby hurricane. Some things could’ve been done better. For instance, Maui had some reports warning them about the risks of fires, but they didn’t have enough firefighters or the right tools to fight the big flames.
  • Nature is both beautiful and powerful. While this story is sad, it also shows the strength of people who faced the fire, helped each other, and now are coming together to rebuild. It reminds us to always be prepared, cherish our loved ones, and maybe give your marshmallow an extra careful roast next time.
  • Remember, always stay safe, and if you ever smell smoke, tell an adult right away!

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