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Image depicting Open Letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Manipur's Unrest!

Open Letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Manipur’s Unrest!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

A Letter of Hope: From Around the World to the Heart of Manipur

The Tiny Boat in a Stormy Sea

Imagine your life as a little boat sailing in the ocean. Most of the time, the waters are calm, the sky is clear, and you are happy. But sometimes, dark clouds roll in, thunder cracks the sky, and waves toss your boat around. This is what people in Manipur are going through right now—a storm of violence and sadness that has lasted for four months.

A community of Meitei individuals, originally from Manipur but currently residing in regions such as Europe and America, have penned a letter addressed to India’s key figures, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Much like casting a message in a bottle into the ocean, they aspire for their communication to serve as a catalyst for restoring peace and stability in Manipur. With the G-20 Summit on the horizon, a significant international event that India, under the leadership of PM Modi, is set to host, they argue that it’s imperative to quell the ongoing turmoil in Manipur. Their message highlights the urgency, calling on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other leaders to act swiftly and bring about reconciliation.

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

As the saying goes, “a stitch in time saves nine.” In other words, it’s better to solve a problem early than to let it grow bigger and harder to fix. This group of concerned Meitei people think it’s time to fix things in Manipur, and they have a few ideas.

They want the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, to visit Manipur and talk to people who have been hurt by the storm. They also want him to meet with the leader of Manipur, Mr. Biren Singh, and work together like teammates in a game. Only by working together can they hope to win against the violence that has turned the lives of so many into a battlefield.

A Melting Pot that’s Boiling Over

Manipur is like a melting pot—a dish that can hold many different ingredients. The Meitei, Nagas, and Kuki communities are like carrots, potatoes, and peas, each bringing their own flavor to the mix. But the pot is boiling over, and people are getting hurt.

The letter says, “Your job, Mr. Prime Minister, is to be the chef who knows how to keep the pot from boiling over.” They believe that a visit from him could be like turning down the stove, making everyone feel safe and hopeful again.

When the Fields Are Empty, the Stomachs Growl

In places like Manipur, when the fields are empty, it’s like when your refrigerator is empty—you go hungry. Because of the trouble, farmers can’t grow food, and students can’t go to school. The letter warns that if things don’t get better, people will face hunger like a big dark cloud that won’t go away.

Names in Shadows, But Hearts in the Right Place

Usually, when you write a letter to someone important, you proudly sign your name at the bottom. But the people who wrote this letter didn’t do that because they don’t want to stir the pot more. They say it’s not about who they are, but about helping Manipur find peace and happiness again.

Even though they didn’t sign their names, their hearts are in the right place. And like friends who always stick together, people from different communities joined hands to send this important message.

A Single Spark Can Start a Fire

It’s often said, “a single spark can start a fire.” In this case, the fire is not one that destroys, but one that gives light and warmth. This letter is that spark, hoping to bring an end to the storm and start a blaze of hope, love, and unity among the people of Manipur.

Sometimes it takes a village to make a change, but in this case, it’s taking an entire world. And if all goes well, that tiny boat caught in the storm might just find its way to sunny skies and calm waters once again.

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