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Image depicting G20 2023: Dream to Reality: Nataraja Image at Bharat Mandapam!

G20 2023: Dream to Reality: Nataraja Image at Bharat Mandapam!


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World’s Tallest Nataraja Statue is Ready to Welcome World Leaders

Guess what, readers! Something really amazing has happened in Delhi, just before an important meeting of leaders from different countries. Imagine making the biggest, tallest drawing or sculpture for your school’s art show. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Well, that’s kind of what India has done. They’ve made the world’s tallest Nataraja Image, and the statue is like a super tall grown-up, standing at 27 feet high!

A Giant Crafted by Master Hands

You know how it feels when you finish a tough puzzle or maybe beat a difficult level in a video game? You feel proud and happy, right? Well, a really talented artist named Radhakrishnan Sthapaty and his team are feeling super proud. They made this giant statue in just seven months! It’s like baking the biggest cake ever, but in a much shorter time than anyone thought possible.

What is the Statue Made Of? A Magical Mix!

What if you could make a toy using your favorite things: chocolate, glitter, and maybe even some Legos? The Nataraja Image is sort of like that. It’s made from Ashtadhatu, which is a blend of eight different metals. Imagine mixing eight different colors to create the most amazing shade ever! This mixture makes the statue really special and strong.

A Family’s Special Talent Passed Down Like a Treasured Toy

Have you ever been told that you have your mom’s eyes or your dad’s smile? Well, the artist, Radhakrishnan, comes from a family where everyone has been super good at making things like this for a very, very long time—since the time your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents were kids! This art of making statues is like a treasured family toy passed down through generations.

It’s Not Just a Statue, It’s a Dancing King!

Do you like dancing? Twirling around in circles, jumping, and feeling the music? This Nataraja Image is like that! It shows Lord Shiva dancing in a way that makes everyone feel energetic and full of life. Just like how you feel when you’re dancing to your favorite song!

A Picture Perfect Moment for a Global Meet-up

Imagine all your friends from different schools coming over to your house for the best playdate ever. The Nataraja Image will be like the main event, where everyone can see and admire it. When leaders from different countries visit for the big meeting, this statue will make them say ‘WOW!’ and remind them of how awesome India is.

So readers, next time you’re talking to your friends, or maybe even your teacher, don’t forget to mention the world’s tallest Nataraja Image in Delhi. It’s a perfect blend of hard work, family love, and a sprinkle of magic. And remember, whether you’re making a drawing, solving a math problem, or building a sandcastle, put your whole heart into it. Because who knows, maybe one day you’ll create something as incredible as this Nataraja Image!

Do-It-Yourself Activity: Jumble Words Puzzle!

Can you solve this jumble word puzzle while you are on the move? Try to find these words related to the statue!

  1. A J T A A N R A A
  2. M E A L T S
  3. I V R C E E T A
  4. T U S T A T E

(Scroll down for answers)

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Answers: 1. Nataraja 2. Metals 3. Creative 4. Statue
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