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Image depicting Google Marks 25: A Doodle Memory Lane!

Google Marks 25: A Doodle Memory Lane!


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Google Turns 25: A Birthday Doodle Journey

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Celebrating With a Special Doodle

Did you notice something special when you opened Google today? Google, the big search engine we all use, celebrated its 25th birthday on September 27th! They did this by showing different logos they’ve used over the past two decades. These special logos are called ‘doodles’. It’s like a trip down memory lane!

The Story of Google

How it All Began

A long time ago, two students named Sergey Brin and Larry Page met at Stanford University. They both loved computers and had a big idea. They wanted to make the internet easier for everyone to use.

From Dorm Room to Garage

At first, they worked on their idea in their university rooms. But soon, their idea became bigger. They needed a new place to work. So, they moved to a garage! And that’s where the magic happened. On September 27, 1998, Google was officially created!

Google’s Ever-Changing Look

Google has changed a lot since 1998. One thing you might have noticed is their logo. It has had many different looks over the years. But they showed some of these old logos in their birthday doodle.

The Big Mission

Even though Google has changed in many ways, one thing has stayed the same. They want to help people find information easily on the internet. They believe in organizing all the world’s information in a way everyone can understand and use.

A Big Thank You From Google

Google wanted to thank everyone, including kids like you, for being with them on this journey. They said, “Thank you for growing with us over the past 25 years!” And guess what? They are excited about all the adventures they’ll have with us in the future!

Isn’t it cool how a small idea can become something so big? Who knows, maybe you’ll come up with the next big idea!

DIY Activity: “Create Your Own Search Engine Logo”


To inspire creativity and a personal connection to the concept of branding, as seen with Google’s changing logos over the years.


  1. Colored pencils, crayons, or markers
  2. White drawing paper or cardstock
  3. Computer or tablet (for inspiration)
  4. Glitter, stickers, or other decorative materials (optional)


  1. Research & Inspiration:
    • Open Google on a computer or tablet and look at the current logo.
    • Discuss what you like about the Google logo and how it has changed over time.
  2. Brainstorm:
    • Think about what you’d name your own search engine. It could be fun, silly, or related to something you love!
  3. Sketch & Design:
    • Start by sketching your logo idea on the white paper. Remember, it should represent the name and theme of your search engine.
    • Use the colored pencils, crayons, or markers to bring your design to life.
  4. Decorate:
    • If you have glitter, stickers, or other materials, use them to make your logo even more special!
  5. Presentation:
    • Share your search engine name and logo with friends or family.
    • Explain why you chose the name and design. How does it represent what people might search for on your search engine?

Follow-up Activities:

  1. Story Writing: Write a short story or background for your search engine. How did it start? Who created it? What makes it special?
  2. Advertise Your Search Engine: Create a poster or digital advertisement showcasing why people should use your search engine.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding the importance of branding and visual representation.
  • Enhancing creativity and design skills.
  • Developing a personal connection to technology and its evolution.

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