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Image depicting International Day of Democracy

International Day of Democracy


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Mystery of the Missing Voice

It was a bright, sunny day in the small town of Kanpur, where a boy named Arjun was unusually excited. Why? Because today was no ordinary day—it was the “International Day of Democracy!” In school, they had been learning about how this was a special day to celebrate the power of every person’s voice.

“Did you know that the United Nations started celebrating this day in 2007?” Arjun told his younger sister, Priya, as they walked to school.

“Yes, yes, I know, Bhaiya. You’ve been talking about it all week!” Priya laughed.

Just like how a potter molds clay into a beautiful pot, the UN thought that ‘Participation’ was the key to molding a perfect democracy. And boy, Arjun was eager to participate.

When Arjun got to his classroom, his teacher Mrs. Sharma made an announcement. “Children, today we’ll be choosing a new class captain. It’s our mini-celebration for the International Day of Democracy!”

Arjun felt his heart beat faster. Could he be the class captain? But when he looked around, he noticed his quiet friend, Radha, who always sat in the corner. She was smart and kind but never took part in such activities.

During lunchtime, Arjun and Priya sat under their favorite tree. Priya opened her lunchbox and found only one aloo paratha instead of two. “Oh no, Maa must have forgotten,” she sighed.

Arjun offered half of his paratha. “See, Priya, democracy is a bit like this lunch situation. Imagine if only I got to eat all the food every day, and you got none. Would that be fair?”

“No way!” Priya shook her head.

“Exactly! In a democracy, everyone gets a ‘slice’ of power, like this half-paratha!”

A Lesson in Friendship

In the afternoon, Mrs. Sharma handed out voting papers. “Remember, this is your classroom, and you should choose someone who will represent you well.”

Arjun looked at Radha, then back at his paper. She had so many good qualities but never got a chance to shine. Maybe this was her moment.

When the votes were counted, it was a tie between Arjun and Radha! Mrs. Sharma said, “We have a tie, so let’s have a re-vote tomorrow.”

On the way home, Arjun explained the day’s drama to Priya. “Radha is so kind and smart, but she’s like a hidden gem. Democracy is all about giving everyone a chance, just like the UN says.”

“Maybe you can help her come out of her shell, like how a flower needs sunlight to bloom,” Priya suggested.

The Heart of Democracy

The next day, before the re-vote, Arjun spoke to his classmates. “Friends, we celebrate the International Day of Democracy to remember that every voice matters. Sometimes, the quietest people have the loudest minds. Let’s give Radha a chance to shine.”

When the votes were counted this time, Radha won by a landslide! She was so surprised and grateful that she couldn’t find the words to say thank you.

Mrs. Sharma praised the class, “You’ve all shown the true spirit of this year’s theme: Participation. You participated in giving someone else a chance to lead.”

That evening, the whole town gathered to celebrate the “International Day of Democracy!” There were speeches, songs, and even a play where Arjun and Priya acted out the story of the class election.

As they watched the fireworks light up the night sky, Arjun felt a sense of fulfillment. “Today, we didn’t just learn about democracy, Priya. We lived it.”

“And that’s the best way to understand something,” Priya grinned. “By living it.”

Just like that, the children of Kanpur realized the essence of democracy. It wasn’t just about voting or big words from ancient Greece. It was about giving everyone a voice, one small act at a time. And in doing so, they celebrated the true meaning of the “International Day of Democracy!”

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