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Image depicting Arts & Crafts: Kid-Powered Upcycled Beats

Arts & Crafts: Kid-Powered Upcycled Beats

Image depicting Arts & Crafts: Kid-Powered Upcycled Beats

A resounding round of applause for Kuhu Kacher of La Martiniere Girls’ College, Lucknow! Young Kuhu, in a delightful display of creativity and resourcefulness, has gifted us a masterpiece – a DIY drum, not from a store, but from the heart and hearth. This isn’t just an art project; it’s a testament to the power of upcycling, where everyday items are transformed into instruments of joy.

Kuhu’s creation sings a song of repurpose – a humble tin container now a resonating drum, old cards reborn as a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors, and nature’s gift of twigs now rhythmic wands. This is a symphony of sustainability, where waste is not discarded but celebrated.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Crafting Your Own Upcycled Beats

Kuhu’s creation is not just an art piece; it’s an invitation for all young artists to embrace their inner drummer. Here’s how you can craft your own symphony of sound:

  1. Gather Your Treasures: Rummage through your recycling bin and let your imagination run wild. Sturdy containers, cardboard tubes, and even plastic lids can become your drum.
  2. Decorate with Flair: Give your drum a personality with paints, markers, fabric scraps, or anything that sparks your creativity. This is your chance to make a unique statement.
  3. Create the Beat: Use wooden spoons, chopsticks, or even bundled twigs as drumsticks. Experiment with different materials to find your perfect sound.
  4. Share the Joy: Gather your friends and family for a drum circle. Let the rhythm flow and celebrate the magic of music and creativity!

This is not just an easy craft; it’s a journey of exploration and self-expression. Remember, every beat you create is a testament to your imagination and ingenuity.

Preschool Craft: Sensory Play with a Beat

Even the youngest artists can join the fun! Fill a sturdy container with dried beans or rice and let your toddler explore the sounds and textures. Decorate the container together and watch their creativity blossom.

Curious Times Celebrates Young Artists

We invite all budding artists, musicians, and creators to share their recycled masterpieces with us. Send in photos or videos of your creations to and let’s fill the world with the joyous rhythm of children’s art.

Remember, as the great artist Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

So, let’s celebrate the artist within each child and encourage their creativity to flourish. With a little imagination and resourcefulness, even the simplest materials can be transformed into works of art that inspire and delight.

Keep drumming, keep creating, keep inspiring!

Watch a video

Trash to Treasure: Matchbox + Colgate Box = Awesome Pencil Case!

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Kuhu Kacher

5, La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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