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Happy Dussehra!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Dussehra is a special festival celebrated across India. It marks the victory of good over evil. Families come together, sharing traditions and joy. From buying gold to making sweets, everyone has their unique way to celebrate. It’s a time of unity and happiness.

The Meaning of Dussehra

  • Discovering the Roots of Dussehra
    • Dussehra is a special word that has deep meaning. When we break it down, we see that it comes from two Sanskrit words. The first word, ‘Dasha,’ talks about Ravana’s ten heads. The second word, ‘hara,’ means to defeat. So, when we say Dussehra, we are talking about the time when Ravana, with his ten heads, was defeated.
  • Celebrating Good Over Evil
    • Everyone likes stories where the hero wins, right? Dussehra is one such story. It’s a time to remember and celebrate how good always wins over bad. This festival reminds us of the brave battle Lord Rama fought against the demon king Ravana. And guess what? Goodness won that battle!
  • Lord Rama’s Brave Adventure
    • Once upon a time, the demon king Ravana did something very wrong. He took Sita, who was Lord Rama’s wife, to his faraway home in Sri Lanka. But Lord Rama, filled with love for Sita and a sense of justice, decided to rescue her. With his brother Lakshman by his side, his powerful friend Lord Hanuman, and an army of helpful monkeys, they went on a journey. After a fierce battle, Lord Rama defeated Ravana and brought Sita back home safely. And that’s why we celebrate Dussehra, to remember this brave and wonderful story.

Dussehra Celebrations in Different Cities

Festivities in the North

  • Burning the Symbol of Evil
    • In cities like Delhi and Varanasi, people have a unique way of celebrating Dussehra. They create large statues of Ravana, the demon king. As evening approaches, they set these statues on fire. This act of burning is not just for fun; it has a deep meaning. It shows that evil, represented by Ravana, is destroyed by the goodness of the people.

A Community Affair

    • Neighborhoods come together to set up these statues. Children and adults, everyone joins in. The sight of the burning effigy against the night sky creates a spectacle, lighting up the surroundings with hope and joy.

Ramlila – A Special Play

  • Ramlila is a popular play that tells the story of Lord Rama. During Dussehra, communities come together to perform this play. Actors, dressed in colorful costumes, enact the heroic tales, battles, and the final victory of Lord Rama over Ravana. These performances captivate the audience, making them feel a part of the story.
  • Apart from the main story, Ramlilas also have music, dance, and songs. Food stalls are set up, and there’s a festive atmosphere all around. It’s not just a play; it’s a grand celebration where everyone, from kids to elders, enjoys and participates.

Dussehra in the South

A Nine-Day Celebration

In South India, Dussehra is closely linked with Navratri, a festival that spans nine days. During these days, homes are decorated, and people worship different forms of the Goddess. Every day has its own significance, and families gather to pray and sing together.

Food and Festivities

The celebration is incomplete without delicious food. Special sweets and dishes are prepared in honor of the Goddess. Homes are filled with the aroma of fresh dishes, and neighbors often share their preparations. It’s a time of togetherness, sharing, and spreading love.

Special Dussehra Traditions

  • Gold and Prosperity

    The Golden Tradition: Every Dussehra, families look forward to buying something shiny, especially gold. This isn’t just about getting something new. They believe that buying gold on Dussehra will shower their homes with happiness and good luck for the upcoming year.

    Why Gold Matters: Gold has always held a special place in our traditions. On Dussehra, this tradition becomes even more special. By buying gold, families hope to bring wealth and prosperity into their lives, making the festival memorable.

  • Sweets and Dishes

    A Feast of Flavors: Everyone loves treats, and Dussehra brings a lot of them. Homes fill with the aroma of fresh sweets and dishes. Kids and adults alike eagerly wait to savor these delicious treats made especially for Dussehra.

    Sharing with Loved Ones: Dussehra isn’t just about making sweets; it’s about sharing them too. Families visit each other, exchange sweets, and celebrate the spirit of the festival. This sharing strengthens bonds and spreads joy.

  • Unity in Celebration

    Coming Together as One: Dussehra sees people from all walks of life celebrating in their unique ways. But the heart of the festival remains the same: the victory of good over evil. Communities come together, joining hands in festivities, showing that unity is strength.

    A Time for Everyone: The beauty of Dussehra is that everyone, young and old, takes part in the celebrations. Children play and enjoy, adults share stories, and elders bless the younger ones. It’s a time when the whole community feels like one big family.

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  1. singh says:

    i love curious times .

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