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Image depicting Unique Nature: Bear's Head Tooth Mushroom!

Unique Nature: Bear’s Head Tooth Mushroom!

Recommended for Foundational Grades

Let us read about one of nature’s unique creations called the bear’s head mushroom. It is also known as bear’s head tooth fungus and pom-pom mushroom.

Interesting facts about Bear’s Head Tooth Mushroom!

  • Bear’s head tooth fungus is a species of fungus and belongs to the family Hericiaceae.
  • It is native to the eastern parts of the United States.
  • It has long tails and a branched fruiting body.

  • It grows on both dead and dying wood, during the late summer and autumn months.
  • It is white in colour and changes to yellow or brown as it grows older.
  • Bear’s head mushroom can be cooked and eaten as it has high amounts of vitamin D, protein and fibre.
  • It also has many other beneficial health properties.
  • However, it should be eaten within a couple of days of being plucked. Otherwise, it will become bitter.

Would you like to taste this unique mushroom?  

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