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Report says Indians on average consume over 11 GB data monthly

Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there! We’ve got exciting information to share with you about a report by Nokia. Get ready for a data-filled adventure!

So, this report called Mobile Broadband India Traffic Index, or MBiT for short, tells us about how much internet data people in India use. It says that on average, each person in India gobbles up a whopping 11.2 gigabytes of data every month. That’s like having a big bowl of data for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

India’s Data Feast

  • Guess what? India’s data consumption is even higher than that of other cool countries like China, France, Spain, Germany, South Korea, and Japan. India is the champion of data munching!
  • Here’s a interesting thing: although only about 49% of people in India have mobile phones, the amount of data they use is super duper high. In fact, the report says that overall data usage in India went up by a whopping 47% in 2019. It’s like everyone in India wants to be the fastest data racer!

  • And hold your gigabytes, because the excitement doesn’t stop there! The report predicts that mobile data usage will keep increasing in the near future. More and more places will get internet connections, and people will gobble up even more data. It’s like a never-ending feast of digital goodness!
  • Now, let’s dig into some reasons why India’s data consumption is off the charts. First, we have cheap data plans. In India, you can get mobile data for only around ₹7 per gigabyte. That’s like getting a super cool toy for a pocket change!

  • Another reason is the popularity of video and streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime. People in India love to watch their favorite shows and movies online, and that uses up a lot of data. It’s like having a non-stop movie marathon at home!
  • Oh, and let’s not forget about smartphones and 4G networks. More and more people in India are using smartphones, and they need data to do cool things like playing games, chatting with friends, and exploring the internet. It’s like having a magical device that fits in your pocket!

  • But hey, here’s an interesting twist. The report doesn’t count internet usage on WiFi, which is widely used in many developed countries. Places like South Korea and Japan have free WiFi in lots of public spaces. It’s like having a secret treasure of free data floating in the air!
  • So, my little data adventurer, that’s the scoop from the Nokia report. India is a data-guzzling champion, and the fun is just getting started. Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting data adventures in the future!

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