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Image depicting Chandrayaan-2: India's moon landing mission

Chandrayaan-2: India’s moon landing mission


Recommended for Middle Grades

India’s second mission to the moon (Chandrayaan-2) is expected to be launched in the 9th – 16th July period.

Chandrayaan-2 has been developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

  • It weighs more than 3 thousand kilograms
  • It is made up of three main parts—
    • an Orbiter,
    • a Lander named ‘Vikram’
    • a Rover named ‘Pragyan’

This is the first attempt by India to land a rover on the moon’s South Pole.

  • The lander will separate from the orbiter and soft land at the selected site close to the lunar South Pole.
  • The moon landing is expected around 6th September.
  • The six-wheeled Rover  will be deployed by the lander.
  • It will move around the landing site as decided by the ground commands to study the lunar surface and send back data to the scientists.

Only spacecrafts from Russia, United States and China have made the 384,000 km journey and landed on the moon.

We read last month about the Israeli spacecraft crashing before moon landing.

India is hoping to do a successful lunar landing with its Chandrayaan II mission. If successful, it will be the world’s first mission to explore the South Pole of the moon.

We wish the ISRO team the very best!

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