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Image depicting Simple Love Birds Art for Kids

Simple Love Birds Art for Kids

Image depicting Simple Love Birds Art for Kids

Upon my word, what a lovely sight! This delightful drawing of lovebirds, nestled within a heart, captures the very essence of affection and companionship. Crafted by the talented Manaravi Sharma of Delhi International School, this heartwarming artwork showcases the simplicity and beauty of childhood expression.

Lovebirds, as you may know, are small parrots renowned for their vibrant plumage and inseparable bond. They are native to the sun-kissed landscapes of Africa and Madagascar, where they flit amidst lush foliage, their cheerful chirps filling the air.

Manaravi’s charming illustration, with its heart motif, evokes the tenderness and devotion that these feathered companions share.

Feathered Friends Forever

In their native lands, lovebirds dwell in a variety of habitats, from arid savannas to dense forests. Their plumage is a kaleidoscope of colours, ranging from the emerald greens of the Fischer’s lovebird to the rosy hues of the peach-faced lovebird. What truly sets these birds apart, however, is their remarkable social nature and the enduring partnerships they form.

Lovebirds are rarely seen alone, preferring to spend their days in the company of their chosen mate. They engage in playful courtship rituals, preen each other’s feathers with meticulous care, and share food with tender affection. Their bond is a testament to the enduring power of love in the natural world.

Love Birds in Art

Manaravi’s artwork beautifully encapsulates the essence of lovebirds through simple yet expressive lines and shapes. The overlapping circles of their heads, the gentle curve of their beaks, and the outstretched wings all speak of closeness and connection. The heart, a universal symbol of love, frames the birds, emphasizing their deep bond.

Draw Your Own Love Birds

Now, let us embark on a creative journey and learn to draw our very own lovebirds!


  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Crayons or markers

Step 1: Begin by drawing two overlapping circles, representing the heads of the lovebirds.

Step 2: Add small, triangular beaks and round, expressive eyes to each head.

Step 3: Using gentle curves, sketch the bodies of the birds, ensuring they lean towards each other in an affectionate embrace.

Step 4: Add details such as feet, wings, and tail feathers. Let your imagination guide you as you bring these charming creatures to life.

Step 5: (Optional) Enhance your artwork by drawing a heart around the lovebirds or a branch for them to perch upon.

Step 6: Unleash your inner artist and colour your lovebirds with vibrant hues!

Beyond the Drawing

Let your creativity soar beyond the page! Consider crafting paper plate lovebirds, designing lovebird finger puppets, or creating heartfelt greeting cards adorned with these charming creatures. Encourage young writers to pen stories inspired by their lovebird drawings, or invite older children to delve deeper into the world of lovebirds and their conservation.


May Manaravi’s artwork ignite a spark of creativity in young hearts and minds, and may the story of the lovebirds remind us of the beauty and importance of companionship.

Share your own lovebird creations with Curious Times at and let your artistic spirit take flight! Remember, every stroke of the pencil is an expression of love, and every artwork is a testament to the boundless imagination of childhood.

Watch a video

Tweet! Draw a bird with numbers in seconds!

Video Credit= Mery Badalian

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Manaravi Sharma

5, Delhi International School

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