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Peaceful coexistence

Everybody wishes to live in peace… but the true ideology of peace differs from person to person…
we all exist on the same land , on our planet earth … but the question is ,
We have boundaries drawn on our land which are indeed disconnecting us Homosapiens by acting as barricades to our togetherness…

We all forget that we ALL ARE HUMAN BEINGS .. and there is one thing common in us , which is the homogeneity ..we filter out people based on colour, race, creed, sex… but why do we forget that we all breathe the same way and we all DREAM the same way… when we all are categorized into one, how can a country sharing the same land or a person with same features be called ” FOREIGN”…

Greater than PERSONAL PEACE is the NATION’S PEACE and still greater is the WORLD PEACE…

It appears silly when a country initiates a war for a ‘peace of land’ . It is just irrational to fight for a land , for whom every being is equivalent….

Lets not destroy our own peace and betray our own selves …
let us not outrage the innocence of our land and nature who offered us a life to live….

# so live and let live…

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10, OLIVEMOUNT GLOBAL SCHOOL, Hyderabad , Telangana

Comments: 1
  1. Mohammed2123 says:

    Grt content kamalee. Amazing 👏

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