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My Expressions
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Image depicting Becoming Myself: Breaking Barriers, Soaring High

Becoming Myself: Breaking Barriers, Soaring High

Image depicting Becoming Myself: Breaking Barriers, Soaring High

WE are not a product

It all starts with one’s perspective…the direction they look at. “They” here is the manipulative and condemned society, which, woefully has turned into the barrier for success.

Sadly it’s been more partial to the masculine race… using the word society is now appearing to me as an abusive word. We have unreservedly changed its meaning… because society is something in which both male and female races are incorporated. Then, why our visions and perspectives, don’t matter to the world… why do we need to think so much not just for stepping out of the houses but also for stepping onto the paths leading to success…

One conjectures about me and my thoughts presuming that he’s right… to fly high with my own burning wings, I need to face many stipulations. sometimes I self-victimize because I know I did not make an attempt to voice my views.

But now I am changing myself and amending my thoughts.. I am now trying to break through the barriers and fly higher taking my broken wings and breaking the boundaries of the sky.
I am taking up my own rights.
and most importantly, “I AM BEING MYSELF”.

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10, OLIVEMOUNT GLOBAL SCHOOL, Hyderabad , Telangana

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