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Image depicting Mandala Art for Beginners: Fun with Zentangle Patterns

Mandala Art for Beginners: Fun with Zentangle Patterns

Image depicting Mandala Art for Beginners: Fun with Zentangle Patterns

Hello Curious Times readers! Haripriya Harish from S.T Paul’s Public School in Kerala has graced us with a stunning piece of mandala art that is sure to inspire budding artists of all ages. This intricate peacock mandala drawing is a testament to Haripriya’s creativity and her skillful execution of zentangle patterns.

Children’s Art Showcase: A Peacock’s Elegance

Haripriya’s hand-drawn artwork showcases the elegance of a peacock, with its feathers transformed into a mesmerizing display of intricate patterns. The black and white art style allows the details of the design to shine through, while the use of zentangle elements adds a touch of modern flair to this traditional Indian art form. It’s a beautiful example of how kids drawing can be both expressive and intricate.

Creative Drawing and Doodle Art for Beginners

Want to create your own mandala masterpiece? Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Choose Your Subject: Pick an animal, object, or shape that inspires you.
  2. Start with a Circle: Draw a circle on your paper. This will be the base of your mandala.
  3. Divide into Sections: Draw lines to divide your circle into sections, like slices of a pie.
  4. Fill with Patterns: Start filling each section with different zentangle patterns. Let your creativity flow!
  5. Add Details: Once you’ve filled all the sections, add details to your subject. In Haripriya’s case, she added intricate patterns to the peacock’s feathers.
  6. Outline and Shade: Outline your design with a black pen and add shading to create depth.

Remember, there are no right or wrong ways to create mandala art. It’s all about expressing yourself and having fun with patterns!

Curious Times is always excited to see the amazing artwork our young readers create. Keep exploring your creativity and don’t hesitate to share your children’s website submissions with us.

A special thank you to Haripriya for sharing her beautiful peacock mandala with us. Keep drawing, keep creating, and keep those creative juices flowing!

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Haripriya Harish

8, S.T PAUL'S PUBLIC SCHOOL, Select, Kerala

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