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Image depicting Short Story: The Tale of a Transitional Sovereign

Short Story: The Tale of a Transitional Sovereign

This is a short story of a sovereign who, during his ascendancy, made an attempt to do something that brought both himself and his nationals to great prominence.

The story begins in the country of Frankletton, founded not long ago—two dozen years back—in my memory, by Mr. Benjamin Smith, a gentleman of great conduct. The sovereign was highly esteemed for he ruled with dignity, equality, and great friendship with his nationals. His son, Franklin, a cut above his father in terms of conduct, aspired to rule the country and enhance its legacy after his father’s era.

The Transition of Power

Sadly, Mr. Benjamin Smith breathed his last a few years later due to a rare illness he contracted a month before his untimely demise. This led to Franklin, the heir, taking over the rule. The people had immense regard for the late Mr. Benjamin to such an extent that they found it difficult to accept the humble Franklin as their ruler.

Yet, this disdain didn’t deter Franklin from striving to better his country. In his boyhood, he had vowed to accomplish something unique and special for Frankletton, to make its name known across the ever-growing globe.

The Splendor of Frankletton

Frankletton’s hills were adorned with an intricate array of flowers: lovely daffodils, tints of Cotton Grass, elegant Martagon lilies, snowberries, burning bushes, and beautiful carpets of junipers. The climate offered a delightful balance of summer, winter, plentiful rains, springs, and a hint of autumn.

Frankletton boasted breathtaking coasts, a few rivers, and experiences that showcased the splendor of coastal life. In terms of development, the country stood tall, arguably surpassing others. However, this development brought a different perspective where pollution veiled the clouds, and smoke became the scent of lead.

Franklin’s Vision

It was perhaps a journey to one of these places that inspired Franklin to make a difference. Valuing health greatly, Franklin believed Frankletton needed to be showcased to the world as a paragon of a pollution-free, globally warm-neutral nation. He decided not only to conceive ideas but also to implement them effectively for the people.

During this period of deep contemplation, he was rarely seen outside. Devotees of Mr. Benjamin speculated that Franklin was likely being lethargic, dozing in his mansion, instead of maintaining law and order. Contrary to their beliefs, Franklin was engrossed in crafting ideas for his country, so much so that he seemingly forgot about rest.

Franklin’s Proclamation

When Franklin finally emerged from his mansion, the people were outraged, accusing him of indulging in a sedentary rest after a pointless junket to the cities of Frankletton.

However, they were in for a shock. Franklin announced he would deliver an important speech from the garden of his office, broadcast across all media in Frankletton, to present the ideas he had developed. Two days later, the people eagerly gathered to hear what the “annoying” president had to say.

The Speech: A Vision for a Greener Frankletton

The speech began, and the people listened intently as Franklin spoke:

“Greetings to my fellow citizens. It gives me the utmost pleasure to present to my subjects the newly conceived ideas during my reflective period in the office of my lovely mansion. My aim as president is to make our country free from pollution and to reduce the threats of global warming. Here are the proposed initiatives:

  1. Water Cannons for Ice Preservation
    We must install water cannons in the ice-water areas that have recently been melting. These cannons will shoot seawater onto the ice sheets, ensuring that the water freezes back into thick ice. More ice will reflect sunlight and reduce global warming.

  2. Lab-Grown Meat
    We shall attempt to create lab-grown meat. This will prevent the wastage of vast resources and reduce the number of animals killed for food. Large animal farms contribute significantly to pollution, which can be mitigated with lab-grown meat.

  3. Plastic-Eating Enzymes
    Our scientists propose developing plastic-eating enzymes. We need support from our young scientific minds to bring this idea to fruition, reducing plastic waste in landfills and consequently lowering pollution and global warming.

  4. AI-Driven Tree Planting
    Given our smaller population, we rely on artificial intelligence for production and logistics. We will employ the same technology to plant trees using drones. So, don’t be alarmed if you see drones planting trees in parks or forests.

  5. Renewable Energy Adoption
    We will transition entirely to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectricity. All forms of fossil fuel usage will be phased out within a year or more. Our researchers are also exploring electric transportation to replace fossil-fuel vehicles. Workers in fossil fuel industries will receive government support for alternate employment.

  6. Waste Segregation
    All residents must segregate waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable before disposal. Public places will have separate bins for the convenience of citizens.

  7. Reducing Plastic Usage
    We will begin by banning plastic bags, then progressively reduce plastic usage to only essential items.

  8. Carbon Capturing Machines
    We will install carbon-capturing machines in all public places and households to absorb excess atmospheric carbon.

  9. Eco-Friendly Government Funding
    The government will only fund projects that benefit the environment. Companies with high carbon footprints will face heavy fines and possible shutdowns. This applies to households as well.

Finally, I humbly urge all citizens to strive for change. Though the process may be lengthy and demanding, we, the people of Frankletton, never give up. Together, we will become the greenest and cleanest country in the world.

Thank you.”

Implementation and Legacy

Franklin not only delivered a lengthy speech but also implemented every single initiative he mentioned. The people, recognizing the need for a healthier country, began to see Franklin in a new light. Together, they transformed Frankletton into the most pollution-free and healthy country in the world.

Consequently, Franklin became one of the most sought-after leaders, consulted by world leaders. Decades later, thanks to his vision, the entire world moved towards being free from pollution and global warming!

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9, Gulf Asian English School, Sharjah

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