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Image depicting 12-year-old boy Abhimanyu Mishra who is world's youngest chess Grandmaster

12-year-old boy is world’s youngest chess Grandmaster


Recommended for Middle Grades

A 12-year-old boy named Abhimanyu Mishra has become the world’s youngest Grandmaster (GM) in chess.

The title of Grandmaster is awarded to world-class chess players by the sport’s governing body known as FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs). It is the highest title a chess player can reach. The title remains for life but can be taken back if the player is caught cheating. It is also sometimes called “International Grandmaster”.

Abhimanyu Mishra

Mishra is of Indian origin and lives in New Jersey, US. He has achieved his record at 12 years, four months and 25 days. The earlier record was 12 years and seven months, which Russian player Sergey Karjakin made in 2002.

Mishra has been breaking records since he was young. He became the United States Chess Federation’s youngest Expert when he was just 7 years old. After that, he became the youngest National Master when he was nine. Moreover, when he was 10 years, nine months and 20 days old, he became the youngest ever International Master.

Mishra spent many months in Budapest, Hungary playing against other players to achieve this record. So, congratulations to him for finally reaching his goal!

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