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Russia's Trans-Siberian Railway Crosses 3,901 Bridges

Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway is the world’s longest railway route


Recommended for Middle Grades

Did you know that the longest railway route in the world is in Russia? It’s called the Trans-Siberian Railway, and it’s a train journey that takes you across thousands of kilometers!

Important Details

  • This incredible railway stretches from Moscow, the capital of Russia, all the way to Vladivostok, a city in the far east. Can you imagine traveling for 9,289 kilometers? That’s like going on a train ride for six whole nights! But that’s not all – the Trans-Siberian Railway also has trains that go to other countries like Mongolia, China, and even North Korea.
  • Along the way, you’ll see many cities like Perm, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Chita, and Khabarovsk. These are big and exciting places that you might want to explore if you ever take this epic train journey!
  • The Trans-Siberian Railway is not just any train line. It’s Russia’s most important way of transporting things from one place to another. In fact, it carries about 30% of all the things Russia exports every year! But you know what’s really interesting? Even though it attracts a lot of foreign travellers, most of the passengers are actually Russians who use it to travel within their own country.
  • Building this gigantic railway was a massive project! Around 60,000 workers joined forces to make it happen. Can you believe that some of them were even soldiers and prisoners? It was a tough job, and they had to take shortcuts to save money. But that caused some problems later on when the railway was up and running. Even though they officially finished building it in 1916, they’ll always have to keep working on it to keep it running smoothly.
  • So, if you ever get a chance to take a train journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway, remember that you’ll be traveling on the longest railway in the world, passing through bridges and cities, and being part of a historic and ongoing project that connects people across Russia and beyond!

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Watch a video

Natasha embarks upon Trans-Siberian’s humble path, In the carriage of the third class, her journey takes its start. Through vast lands and distant horizons, her eyes gain a new sight, A traveler’s soul, seeking adventures in the day and starlit night.


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