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Image depicting Curious Times in conversation with Tr. Sajitha Satheesan, St. Joseph's School, Abu Dhabi

Curious Times in conversation with Tr. Sajitha Satheesan, St. Joseph’s School, Abu Dhabi

Education is an integral part of a child’s upbringing. We, at Curious Times, have made it our aim to ensure that we also play an active role in imparting the right knowledge to all the Curious children. As such, we also try to ensure that we are always in touch with the leaders in education today and learning from them. After all, it is important to learn from the best.

So, today, we present to you a one-on-one conversation with Tr. Sajitha Satheesan. She is the Coordinator of St. Joseph’s School. Abu Dhabi. It aims at the all-round development of the child/individual. It focuses on the current needs and aspirations of a society, its inherent values, concerns as well as broad human ideals.

When did you decide to step into the world of education? What motivated you to become an Educator?

I started my career around 2004. My love towards children and love of learning made me passionate about teaching and hence motivated me to become an educator. I entered this profession due to my eagerness to make a difference in the lives of children.

Share some of the challenges you have faced in your career journey. How did you convert those challenges into the pillars of success?

There has been a lot of paper work. I have also been a bridge between the Management-Parents-Students.

What are the changes have you observed over the years in the field of education? Are you happy with these changes?

Shift from the knowledge based education towards skill-based.

What changes would you like to see in the field of Education? What role can the various stakeholders like the government, teachers, students and parents play in this?

The government needs to take the responsibility in their hands and eradicate rote learning from the schools at all the levels. The schools must be encouraged to introduce conceptual learning which avoids students to mug up what they are being taught. Teachers should develop the skill of giving questions related to real life applications.

Share your message with the aspiring teachers and leaders of tomorrow.

YES sure we have to do that.

Share your message for your and Curious Times students.

YES definitely.

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