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National Public School - Agara

My Experiences at NPS Agara

My journey at National Public School Agara has been an interesting, impressive and an eventful one to say the least.
The imposing edifice and the greenery that encompasses it prompted me to be part of this huge institution instantly. I am glad that I chose to be here!!!
The School has always encouraged divergent thinking and has never shied away from keeping up with the latest trends in the field of Education.
The care and concern that is accorded to every member of this institution combined with its inbuilt value system has ensured a high level of integrity amongst all those associated with it.
A congenial atmosphere couple with great ambience and an ample amount of freedom to innovate and experiment has helped the institution reach the pinnacle at which it stands today.
I t would be no exaggeration to say that this organisation has become my second home and I am indeed blessed to be a part of my huge extended family.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”
– Winston Churchill
This quote would truly sum up the philosophy of National Public School Agara – both in letter and spirit.

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11, National Public School Agara

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