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Motivation Is the Key To Success

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going
– Jim Ryun

Motivation is a general willingness to do something. It is the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something and it is the driving force behind human actions.

Many-a-times, you may have experienced bursts of short motivation after attending a lecture, reading a book, watching a movie, but it is not enough. We should be motivated constantly. We can’t be successful without having motivation in ourselves. Motivation involves biological, social, emotional, and cognitive forces.

You can’t pass an exam if you are not motivated. Motivation is a psychological force that compels you to take action. It is not easy to achieve internal happiness without motivation. Motivation might be intrinsic, whereby inspiration comes from within and it can also be extrinsic, whereby we are inspired by other people or rewards.

Why Do You Need Motivation?

To Make You Happy
Motivation helps to build determination and achieve something, like securing a new job or losing weight and when you succeed, you feel motivated with the results. If you motivate yourself continuously by determining and achieving new goals, you would feel happy.

To Enhance Your Personality
Motivation helps you develop a great personality. When you set your own goals and achieve them, you would feel more inspired to push yourself further.

To Build Your Self-Confidence
You need to move out of your comfort zone and learn something new to build your self-confidence. If you do not take risks, the chances of success will be limited.Do not drop the entire routine to try something new, butjuggle a few new and different tasks until you decide what you enjoy and how and what keeps you motivated.

To Inspire Others
Motivation inspires others to make things possible in your life. If you meet a self-motivated person, you feel like you can also achieve anything because their positivity elevates your spirit to achieve something. Motivation is a constant effort and you can keep up the pace by reading biographies and listening to motivational speakers who share their success stories.

To Increase Your Commitment
When you are motivated about something, you will be committed to the task and put complete effort into this. It is easy when you feel naturally motivated, but if you feel demotivated, you need to remind yourself about the importance of a commitment to your success.

How Can You Get Motivated?

There could be different things around you that can keep you motivated. Take a look at some essential factors to remain motivated all the time:

Note Down Your Goal
Your goal must be very clear and noting it will help you describe it in clear and precise words. The more specific your goal will be, the easier it would be to focus on that and it will help to get yourself motivated to attain it.

Use Your Imagination
Emotions and imagination help you get motivated. If you want motivation, you must work on your feelings and imagination. You can do it by visualizing the goal clearly and feel that you have accomplished it.

Read Success Stories
Read success stories to get motivated, like books, articles, or videos of successful people, as they will inspire you. You can try implementing them in your situations, of course using your decision-making skills too.

Take Small Steps
Start taking small steps to achieve your goal from the very moment. You need not wait for the opportunity and the right time to take your step forward. If you want to be successful and get results, you should start to act now without overthinking.

Strengthen Self-discipline and Willpower
Sometimes we need to carry out some essential tasks that we might not like, which often awakens our inner resistance. So, willpower and self-discipline are necessary for the inner strength to overcome resistance.

So, stay motivated, never give up and be consistent about your goals. No power in this world can stop you from achieving success if you have grit motivation.

Richa Thakur
Math Educator
DLF Public School, Ghaziabad

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Richa Thakur

12, DLF Public School, Sahibabad, Uttar Pradesh

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