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image depicting Lost Antarctic penguin lands up in New Zealand 3,000 km away

Lost Antarctic penguin lands up in New Zealand 3,000 km away


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Antarctica is famous for its many types of penguins and the Adélie penguin is one of them. This penguin is one of the most commonly-found penguins in Antarctica.

Recently, an Adélie penguin got lost and travelled a long way from home. It was found on a beach in New Zealand. That is at least 3,000 kilometres from where the penguin lives!

Locals who spotted it thought it was a stuffed toy at first. But it moved and they realised it was a real live bird! The poor bird looked lost and tired. So the locals called wildlife experts and they rescued it. The doctors said that it was not sick but dehydrated (needed water and food).

Now, locals have named the penguin “Pingu“. Once it is healthy, they will release it on a safe beach where it will not be in danger.

This is not the first time such an event has happened in New Zealand. In fact, this is the third time that people have found an Adélie penguin on New Zealand’s beaches. But scientists are worried that if they continue to appear, it is not a good sign. It could mean that the environment is changing.


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